Congratulations to Spring 2020 Students
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our music students, parents & teachers for completing another semester.

The Musical Mungai Family
Encouraged to master the piano by their parents, Segeni and Melissa Mungai. Benjamin and Njenga take piano playing seriously.
Graduating Seniors Perform in Recitals
Congratulations to Westside Music School students Savannah , Arno, Brandon, and Alexander who earned their gold cup awards after this year’s Oregon Federation of Music Clubs Junior Music Festival.

Westside Piano Students Earn Gold Cup Trophies
Congratulations to Westside Music School students Savannah , Arno, Brandon, and Alexander who earned their gold cup awards after this year’s Oregon Federation of Music Clubs Junior Music Festival.

Westside Students Help Celebrate Packy’s Birthday
Congratulations to Westside Music School students Savannah , Arno, Brandon, and Alexander who earned their gold cup awards after this year’s Oregon Federation of Music Clubs Junior Music Festival.