Pre-K and Kindergarten Music Lessons
Beginner Music Classes
Westside Music School offers music lessons for all students as young as 1 1/2 years old. Our music classes for Pre-K and Kindergarteners cover all of the fundamentals young children need to prepare them for continuing keyboard or piano lessons, or for a lifetime of music appreciation. Below are our current Pre-K and Kindergarten music classes.
See Current Schedule for class time and tuition information.
Toddler Tunes (age 1-1/2 to 3)
TODDLER TUNES has been developed for students between 1-1/2 – 3 years of age. Students and parents or caregivers come together for a first musical experience in a joyful music-making program of rhythm, singing, fingerplay, active movement games, and introduction to keyboard activities.
Music in Me (age 3 to 5)
The MUSIC IN ME course was developed for 3 and 5 year olds, with parent participation.
The peak age for brain and ear development is around three years old. Of course, traditional piano lessons are not appropriate for pre-school children, but they can be introduced to musical understanding through a variety of activities including rhythm, movement, ear training, keyboard activities, and an introduction to concepts of music reading. Learning about high notes and low notes is fun when the child has the opportunity to use manipulatives such as note magnets on a magnetic board. The concepts are meaningful when experienced physically first. Other concepts that will gradually be introduced include: line & space notes, going up and going down with scale songs, and rhythm patterns.